Protect the Children!
Every November, the Philippines celebrates National Children’s Month which serves as a reminder of our responsibility as a country to take care of the young, who are the lifeblood of our nation. The 2024 slogan, “Break the Prevalence, End the Violence: Protecting Children, Creating a Safe Philippines,” urges every Filipino to put a stop to child abuse and to make sure that children grow unharmed and without fear of any danger.
The issue of violence against children is a widespread problem in the Philippines. Current statistics show that a lot of children in the Philippines face all types of abuses, namely: physical abuse, emotional and psychological abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect. Problems like these are compounded by poverty and the lack of education, as well as traditions such societies have, hence the importance of both people and organizations acting. The theme reiterates that stopping this spiral of violence cannot be realized through enacting laws alone or through enforcement but education and the people themselves. This is why there is a need to address and even further prevent violence; we begin to build for a safer tomorrow.
As we observe the National Children’s Month for this year, let’s consider also the various ways as a community we can assist and defend the children. In one way or another, we can all help out, whether it is through advocacy or volunteerism, or simply seeing to it that a child’s voice is heard. A safe Philippines will first start at homes, and in schools and communities. With strong determination, we can end the cycle of violence and make sure that every child in the Philippines lives a life free from fear, filled with safety and hope.
After the celebration of National Children's Month, your post is a great reminder. However, I wished to read more about the real-life examples in our nation so us readers can have a more approachable perspective as a fellow.